How to Edit Option File (for expert)

If you want to modify or configure options, please directly edit XML file.

Option Entry Format

                <option id="Google Maps" datum="wgs84" area="world">


  1. id :mandatory and unique. You can set any value.
  2. datum: Option. If you don't have datum attribute, datum will be "wgs84". Currently, only "wgs84" and "tokyo" is available. Case sensitive.
  3. area: Option. This is used just for display.


You can write URL, URI, Filename, or command. This will be simply transferred to Windows shell command.

Latitude/Longitude information will be translated and inserted.


Location Data Description Format


will be translated like following.



| |   ||||||||
| |   |||||||+- Shows end of format by "("
| |   ||||||+-- Round Strategy by (r, f, c, or empty)
| |   |||||+--- Width of Under Decimal Part (number)
| |   ||||+---- "." separates width numbers
| |   |||+----- Width of Integer Part (number)
| |   ||+------ Filling Strategy ("0", " ", or empty)
| |   |+------- Sign Stretegy(+, -, d, D, a, or empty)
| |   +-------- Shows beginning of format by "("
| +------------ Shows type of Data
+-------------- "$" shows beginning of Variable

Type of Data

lat.d Latitude, in Degree
lat.m Latitude, under Minute unit
lat.s Latitude, under Second unit
lat.r Latitude, in Radian
lon.d Longitude, in Degree
lon.m Longitude, under Minute unit
lon.s Longitude, under Second unit
lon.r Longitude, in Radian
lcp LocaPoint

latirude = 35.420096021916666666666666666667°
= 35°25.205761315"
= 35°25" 12.3456789'
= 0.61819729695499144509818901588413(Radian)

$lat.d = 35.420096021916666666666666666667°
$lat.m = 25.205761315
$lat.s = 12.3456789
$lat.r = 0.61819729695499144509818901588413

Sign strategies

+ always shows "+" or "-"
- or ""(not specified) show "-" only when negative. No sign for positive
a Absolute value (no sign)
D add Direction letter. N/S for latitude, E/W for longitude
d add Direction letter. n/s for latitude, e/w for longitude

Left Fill Strategies

0 fill with "0"
" "(Space) fill with " "(Space)
""(not specified) no fill

Width of Integer Part

Left part of dot represents length of integer part.
Not specify means use data as it is.


Width of Under Decimal Part

right part of dot represents length of under decimal part
Not specify means use data as it is
"0" for right part, means output as integer. (do NOT show ".")

= "."(default) 123.45
"3.6" 123.450000
"2.3" 23.450
"2." 23.45
"3.0" 123 (same as INT())
".3" 123.450
"06.6" "000123.450000"
" 6.6" " 123.450000"

Round strategies

This option is valid only data has a under decimal part.
Calculation of data is done to "Width of Under Decimal + one" places of decimals, then round/round off/round up.

f or ""(not specified) Floor. Round Off
c Ceil. Round Up
r Round. (Up for 5, Off for 4)

123.444444 123.444445
3.5f floor(default) 123.44444 123.44444
3.5c ceil 123.44445 123.44445
3.5r round 123.44444 123.44445

Special Factors

Data can be calculated in following way. This is done before formatting.

data = (data + facter_a) * facter_b + facter_c


data(format, facter_a , facter_b , facter_c )

facter_a default is 0
facter_b default is 1
facter_c default is 0


1.Longitude in decimal degree
$lon.d() --> -74.044552886803686

2.Longitude in decimal degree. Under decimal width is 3.
$lon.d(.3) -->-74.044

3.Longitude in decimal degree. Use "W" or "E", and use "0" to make a width of integer part is 3.
$lon.d(D03.5) --> W074.04455

4.Latitude in DDD°MM'SS.SS"

5. Latitude in 1/256 sec unit, Integer, "-"sign when negative

lat.d brings "Degree" in decimal.
latitude in second is lat.d * 3600
latitude in 1/256sec = lat.d * 3600 * 256 = lat.d * 921600